The Little Book of Big Weightloss publishes in the UK and Australia
We are thrilled to announce the UK and Australian publication of Bernadette Fisers’ THE LITTLE BOOK OF BIG WEIGHTLOSS, a no-nonsense, graphically led guide to losing weight and keeping it off for good, published by Penguin Random House.
Bernadette is an Australian celebrity hair and make-up artist who found herself tipping the scales at 128 kilos. With a fatty liver, hypertension and pre-diabetes, she knew that she had to make a change to embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle. She interviewed the models that she worked with and researched medical reports to put together a killer combination of weight-loss techniques that saw her shed 30 kilos in 30 weeks.
In her debut book, Bern shares her personal guide to radical and sustainable weight loss in 31 easy to follow “rules”, perfect for anyone sick and tired of diet failure and confused by conflicting advice and complicated regimens. Hers is a fresh, can-do approach to a healthy lifestyle that is quick to read and simple to apply.
There has been a huge global appetite for THE LITTLE BOOK OF BIG WEIGHTLOSS, with translation rights sold in thirteen countries, as well as the UK, Australia and the USA. It is available at all major retailers and online.
Find out more here